Daniel Van Straalen


2 September - 29 October 2022



Movement in the arts field. 

Art with a direct reference to the rich heritage of meme culture. 

This term was first used by artist Daniel van Straalen in the now (present) upcoming show with the same title meme-a-lism at gallery Stigter van Doesburg 

meme-a-lism is not to be confused with minimalism it sounds alike but has very different outcomes, references etc. 


Maker and/or editor of meme related art. Images and objects accompanied by text presented in & between the digital and physical world often in a cultural context like museums, galleries, online platforms etc.


Daniel van Straalen:

artist & inventor of terms meme-a-lism meme-a-list

Daniel van Straalen is the first artist to put a meme related art in a galleries (2016) & (2017) Hawaii-Lisbon solo show called Who are They? and museums (2018) Bonnefanten museum he showed a work wich called: saved meme #1 - (me acting shocked after i ruin my own happiness through the same self ongoing self destructive behaviors i've been repeating my whole life).

Stedelijk museum Schiedam (2017) showed the work: When you're anywhere and someone says anything 2017.